
I have been blessed with having an amazing family on my mom’s and my dad’s side. They have been a great source of support for me during tough times. I always look forward to the times when we get together and just talk and laugh the whole time.

Many people have become blind to the support their family tries to give them because of depression, I’ve felt that way too sometimes. It can be hard for your family to help you with depression, they don’t know exactly what’s going on in your head. They might think you need space from them, or that you need to be smothered in love. The best thing to do for someone with depression in my opinion, is to just tell them that you’re always there for them and that you care for them.

Some people aren’t so lucky with the family they have. Don’t blame yourself for the way your family acts. If you’re looking for support, asking a friend is very helpful as well because they care about you too. If they don’t care about you, they aren’t your friend.

If asking your friends doesn’t help, contact a therapist or your school counselor. You might think therapy isn’t for you, maybe you had a bad experience with a past therapist, but just have to keep looking for the right fit. Trust me, having the right therapist helps tremendously. You could even invite a family member to come with you so they can understand depression better.

You aren’t alone, you were put here for a reason. If you need someone to talk to you can always message me. Remember, depression is not the end.

Author: Evan

I'm 19, I have clinical depression. I live with my mom, brother, and sister. My dad passed away in 2011. Video games are one of the few things that make me happy. I want the world to better understand depression

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